TEL 011-615-2334
OPEN 12:30-22:30
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Hol -21:00)
CLOSE Wednesday
Vol. 246

ノール チェビ作品展「真実の詩(うた) ─科学と哲学の絵画」

Nour Chebbi Exhibition “Poetry of reality - Sciences and Philosophy painted- “

2021.1.28 ─



私たちは巨大な宇宙に住んでおり、混沌から秩序が生まれ、意識的な原子の束がそれらが構成する宇宙を観察しています。私たちはパターン、自然のルールを見て、今日それらを数学、物理学、科学と呼んでいます。そして、私たち、好奇心旺盛な魂は、不条理な現実を見続けています…。すべてが他のすべてに接続していることがわかります。今回の作品は、現実を説明する哲学の寓話と方程式から着想を得ています。 自然の幾何学、意識のパターン、そして“真実の詩”に隠された美しさを感じることで、私たちの感覚を超えた宇宙を見るきっかけとなれたら幸いです。

Da vinci said “Study the science of art and the art of science. Develop your senses, learn to see, know that everything connects to everything else”. And this is what I want to show you in this exhibition.

The theme is “Poetry of Reality”, We live in a huge cosmos, where order is born from chaos, where a bunch of conscious atoms are observing the universe they are made of. We see patterns, rules of nature, we call them today mathematics, physics, sciences. And we, curious souls continue looking at the absurd reality…. We see that everything connects to everything else. The artworks are inspired from philosophy allegories and equations describing reality. An invitation to see the universe beyond our senses, to feel beauty hidden in geometry of nature, in the patterns of the consciousness, the poetry of reality.

Nour Chebbi(ノール チェビ)

私の名前はNour Chebbi(ノール チェビ)です。チュニジアから来ました。

My name is Nour Chebbi, and I am from Tunisia. It’s been almost 2 years that I moved to Sapporo. I am a 2nd year master student at Hokkaido University in Engineering. It’s strange to see an art exhibition by a student in engineering, but for me, art isn’t a choice, it’s a part of me. When I was a child, I was very curious, looking at the world, asking “what is time, what is consciousness, what is life ?”. It raised my interest in sciences and philosophy at a young age, and hasn’t stopped since then.

Nour Chebbi WebSite



TEL 011-615-2334
OPEN 12:30-22:30
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Hol -21:00)
CLOSE Wednesday